Growth Through
Weekly Studies
Marriage Counseling upon Request
Minister's Training
Zoom (vet through Apostle Randy)
Bible Study 101
Wednesdays (2nd & 4th):Women's MeetingZoom
Men's Meeting
Conf Call
Friday: Date Night!!
Saturdays: Bible Study 1:00pm
Conf Call
Sundays: Facebook Live
Conference Call Info:
720-527-5944 code 3580534
Woburn Methodist School
Woburn Methodist School
Grenada, West Indies
Students of Woburn Elementary School receive school supplies from House of Clay Int. Ministries. This mission is conducted on an annual basis. Sports and physical education equipment, pencils, paper, notebooks, shoes, clothing, and all other requested materials are donated by House of Clay.
St. George's Grenada West Indies
Partnership with local ministries in Grand Anse, Mardigras and Apres'toute Grenada, WI.
Beacon, New York
Partnership with Ambassadors for Christ, Beacon, New York. We preach, teach, and proclaim the Word of God with Pastor Eric Motley, 1st Lady Jamie, and the family in Christ.
C.O.M.E. Ministries
Partners with Community Outreach Extension in Wilson, NC.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
House of Clay will be on the Island of Grenada 26-30 June to
celebrate the church anniversary of Apres'Toute Pentecostal
Lighthouse Mega Church up on the Hill
5th Year Anniversary Service
Save the Date
November 8-10 HOC Annual Family Affair Weekend
Training, Worship, Fellowship!
For all events, we will be Live... follow on