About Us
About Us

Pastor Randolph G. Bowen
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins (Isaiah 11: 2-5). A man of true words, speaking truth to power to set the people of God free! Apostle Randolph is the man of God chosen to found and lead House of Clay International for such a time as this. The direct word spoken from the Lord, that he was sending those battered and bruised by life, and forgotten about by the traditions of Christianity. By your works they know I sent you, now tell them what I sent you to do. Isaiah 61: 1-3 sets the foundation for this ministry!
Apostle Shari S. Bowen
Apostle Shari S. Bowen
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13)! Praise is what we do! It is through Christ and by the grace of God we have made it this far. This race did not just begin, but it is at a place where God is requiring more. As he is speaking we are answering the call. Setting our feet like hinds feet (Hab 3:19) allowing the Lord who is our strength to establish us for such a time as this. And the question was asked who shall I send, who will go for us, and the answer came forth from the mouths of the Bowen's send me Lord, I will go! God inspired, God breathed- Real, Ready, and Relevant word of God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Yahweh House of Worship is the ministry he has given us for such a time and such a season as this. In a world and culture where people are hungry and confused, and want something with substance to hang on to for hope! Well with our hearts in place, our hands to the plow, and the work before us, we press. We go out in the strength of the Lord, armed with the whole armor (Eph 6:10), the zeal of Paul, and the youth of Timothy; serving him in our youth, not only to spread a seasoned message of hope, but a ray of light to those young people who want to live right! There is a remnant and we are coming online to take back what the devil has stolen from us.
Before establishing House of Clay Int. Ministries in Mililani, Hawaii, Apostles Randy and Shari Bowen were ordained by Apostle/Bishop Dickie Adams of Global Ministries Inc. (GMI) out of Spartanburg, South Carolina. They were ordained to pastor by Bishop Charles Holland of Greater Nations Ministry in Bamberg, Germany. They were also trained in ministry by Pastors Michael and Gloria Fite. The ministry is currently located at 3207 Hamilton Way, New Windsor, NY experiencing the move of God every Sunday!
Apostle Randy served as Armor Bearer to Pastor Michael Fite and attended Weyland Baptist University, Liberty University, and graduated with a Master of Biblical Studies from Nyack University, Alliance Theological Seminary. Apostle Shari Bowen (Dr.) is a graduate of several universities and currently a professor at West Point teaching Military Leadership. She has served in the US Army and in the Army of the Lord for the last 25 years.

Meet the Team
Meet the Team
House of Clay's ministry team includes Apostle Randolph G. Bowen and Apostle (Dr.) Shari S. Bowen, Minister Michael Stewart, Minister Kelly Stewart, Minister Terry Reese II, Deacon Cole Weaver, Deacon Khyree Campbell, Deacon Dranton McClain, and Sister Daijyah Ray. Our Apostle and Bishop is Apostle Dickie L. and First Lady Shenenia Adams, Revelation Word Church, Roanoke, Virginia